“It is well enough that people do not understand our banking system for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning!” HENRY FORD The history of the banking Code and the problems that have beset it since its introduction are comprehensively outlined in two reports entitled ‘The Australian Bankers’ Problematic Code’ prepared by a Mr. Archer Field BEc, MBA. The first report (Part 3b) dated 5 th December 2010 was submitted to the Tasmanian Small Business Council and the second report (Part 2) dated 19 th August 2015 was submitted to the Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia. These are the most comprehensive reports produced in relation to the banking code and are required reading for anyone that wants to fully understand how the banking code has now become a shield for rogue banks rather than a protection device for the banks’ customers. Because these reports are quite extensive, I will only present here a brief commentary on some ...